Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Calle Ocho

Reading one of the posts on TikiTiki Blog- I responded to a question about the annual Calle Ocho Festival and what I remember when I attended. Thanks TikiTiki and Latinaish for bringing back some great memories!
Growing up in Miami El Festival de la Calle Ocho was big stuff! We just called it Calle Ocho I remember going down there with my mother and my aunt- parking far away, having to walk through all the people in the streets, begging to buy this or that. Eating, dancing, just having a fun time.
Calle Ocho was always on a Sunday- and Sunday's were the fun days. Mom worked every day of the week, and most Saturdays- we had school and other things during the week and then Saturdays were for laundry and household chores. Sunday was the day we went out and about- sometimes we went to church in the morning and then we were gone all afternoon to the beach, the movies, to a fair or other events like Calle Ocho. I remember going later on with just friends too- and walking around like we were big shots because we were out and about without parents.
I did a little research and was interested to find out that Calle Ocho was actually started by the Kiwanis Club in Little Habana- because tensions between the different ethnic groups were running high- so they came up with the idea to hold a street festival like the ones held up north for all groups to highlight their music and food. Today is it huge!
It's interesting to think that a little street fair thought up by a group of people has become a landmark festival that highlights the cultural mix that is Miami.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life, death and a good report card.

Today was a good day.  It was a good morning getting out of the house, work sped by in the morning, I had an impromptu lunch with my honey, and then the afternoon sped on by and before I knew it- it was time to leave work and go to the teacher conference at the boy's school.
His homeroom teacher was out but we met with his reading/english teacher and the math and science teacher. It was, all in all, a very good report. The boy depsite his wiggliness, and penchant to burst out into song, is doing well in all of his subjects. He is an independent thinker and demonstrates kindness, and respect towards others. It is everything a parent hopes to hear when other people are speaking about their child. It was also great to know that our child spends most of his day with people who are intelligent and committed to helping out on our journey to make a great human being.
After the conference was over, it was off to the races to pick up both little people and get home in time for the husband to get changed and go get the MIL (mother in law) and head to the first of the Broadway Series shows - The Ten Tenors.
Once I got home, I knew that the stove would not be seeing any action this evening.
Our intent was to get a couple of happy meals and picnic in front of the tube for an evening filled with Dora, Diego and the Wonder Pets. Instead we found ourselves at one of the local IHOPs enjoying pancakes with wipped cream and strawberry syrup for dinner. We then headed to WalMart for milk and a quick trip through the toy department and finally home.
After everyone was bathed and in bed- I headed for the pc to catch up on some news, locally, around the state and around the world.
While checking out Facebook- I received a message that a dear friend and relation had passed away this morning after a terrible car accident yesterday. I think back on all of the times spent with her and her family, and all the recent pictures and events in her life that made her life a good long one. How many people loved her and how many people she loved in return. May she rest in peace knowing that those she leaves behind will always love her and remember her. It amazes me how any day can be your last day, that is why we have to make the most of every day we are given.
The husband has now returned from the Tenors showing and he says that it was EXCELLENT! I am glad, sad and happy all at the same time. I am ALIVE.
Today was a good day.